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12 Ways to Cut Health Care Costs

Good genes can go a long way toward helping you stay healthy. And the healthier you are, the less your health insurance is likely to cost.

But if you drew the short end of the stick (so to speak) when it comes to genetic inheritance, you can still slash health care costs–and improve your health–by following a few simple guidelines:

Choose your health insurer wisely. Don’t just pick the one with the cheapest plan; aim instead for a policy with the benefits you need at a price you can afford.

Know what your health plan covers–and what it doesn’t–and follow the rules. Double-check whether the services and providers you need are covered under your plan ahead of time…before you receive treatment. Then make sure you follow the appropriate procedures regarding appointments, claims and referrals.

Coordinate health insurance plans. If you and your spouse both work and have employer-sponsored health plans, be careful to avoid duplicate coverage. This can drain your wallet, causing you to pay more for benefits than is really necessary. If you do decide to maintain both coverages, however, make sure you understand how the plans will mesh together…especially if one or both of you belongs to an HMO.

Plan ahead. Clarify which doctors, hospitals and emergency services belong to your plan’s network–and under what circumstances you may use them. Write this information down, and keep it close by in case of emergency. You’ll avoid excessive out-of-pocket www cbdpost us and make things easier on yourself when it comes to filing claims.

Use generic drugs, rather than name brand. Your health insurer considers generics “cost effective,” so they’re willing to bear a greater percentage of their cost than that of name brand drugs. You can cut costs by an average of $10-$40 per prescription by using generics, whenever possible.