Strategies To Improve Your Hiring Practices
Finding and onboarding great talent in today’s competitive job market is a challenge. Posting a job and then waiting for applicants to respond, hoping you’ll get a good one this time, is a slow and unreliable process. Consider implementing some of the following suggestions into your recruiting and hiring strategies to help you be more proactive in your efforts to fill open positions with high-quality individuals.
- Work on Your Brand. Perhaps one of the best ways to attract good talent is to be, well, attractive. You may need to spend some resources to accomplish this, but being the popular company on the block will more than compensate.
- Turn to Your Employees. Your current employees are a great resource for new hires. Studies show that employee referral programs result in lower turnover rates, faster hiring times, and better-quality hires. Best of all, you can get these stellar results with very little additional cost to you.
- Tweak Your Job Descriptions. Don’t underestimate the importance of careful, thoughtful, attention-grabbing job descriptions. Provide specific job titles, essential skills required, and a captivating summary of the position’s responsibilities.
- Be the Hunter. The best job candidates aren’t going to come to you. You need to go find them. Use online recruiting tools to help you find great talent. Building relationships with passive candidates helps you create a pipeline pool filled with excellent potential candidates.
- Improve Your Interviews. Interviewing is tough. While you might be tempted to think that interviews serve the sole purpose of allowing you to get an impression of the candidate, think again; job applicants form strong opinions about your organization during the interview process. HR managers as well as department managers need to develop strong interview skills so you can put your best foot, or feet, forward.
- Improve the Candidate Experience. Smooth ATS systems make things easier for you and for your applicants. You never want to lose great talent because the application took too long to fill out or because entering personal data for employment background screening was onerous and filled with redundancies. Streamlined processes make your life easier and give applicants a good impression of your organization. In addition, embrace mobile technologies that allow candidates easy access.
- Use Your Data. Your ATS is a repository of invaluable information about what strategies are working for your company. Pay attention to the data and use it to improve your process.
It’s A Buyer’s Market
Candidates are running the show. Staying on top of the latest recruiting and hiring strategies will help you stay competitive and find the best talent.