The Burmese month of Kason (April/May), the second month of the Burmese year, has shown up and ‘Kason la pyei’, the Full-moon of Kason marks a significant date for Burmese individuals, as a general rule, and Burmese Buddhists, specifically. It is a month of remembrance and expectation. Why this is so you will learn while perusing this article.
Just around fourteen days have passed since ‘Yahoo’ (water) assumed a significant part in Burmese individuals’ life. That was when in Tagu (Walk/April) during ‘Thingyan’ or ‘Water Celebration’ – the ‘Burmese New Year’ – individuals poured loads of water more than each other to wash away all actual foulness and soil and the profound sins and disasters to enter with a perfect body and soul into the New Year. In the mean time we are adapting to the intensity of the late spring decently well. All my garments are dry once more and I have recuperated from the cool I had found during that opportunity.
Also, presently, once more, yahoo plays in additional ways than one a significant job in and for the existences of individuals of Burma who are in their greater part – some 86% – Buddhists.
Once more, they pour and toss water; just this time not north of each other (so you should not stress, we will remain dry) out of earthen pots (atar pots) they have purchased prior (at the full moon of Kason they can get them in a real sense at each pagoda corner) yet over a tree (or its underlying foundations) of the variety ‘Ficus’ that has a place with the group of ‘Moraceae’ and is named ‘Ficus religiosa’. This tree is regularly known as ‘Banyan tree’, ‘Bo tree’ or ‘Bodhi tree’ and is a fig tree, all the more exactly the ‘Indian fig’ tree. Particularly on the full-moon day of Kason this consecrated tree is of incredible importance to Burmese Buddhists as it is firmly connected with Gautama Buddha. To comprehend the reason why this is thus, we need to turn back the clock.
Yet again before we begin to time-travel and bar ourselves back into the hour of around 500 B.C., I should cause you to notice the way that it is in many cases very troublesome in the event that not difficult to isolate authentic realities from fantasy and legend especially, with regards to Siddhartha Gautama and his life. Those records of his life that actually exist were for the most part given over by the Buddha’s pupils as oral practices and recorded long after his demise by frequently venerating devotees. Thus almost certainly, they don’t necessarily in all cases mirror the authentic truth. Accordingly, not every person might concur with each of the subtleties of my works. In any case, I have given a valiant effort to figure out reality, which as per the verifiable ‘realities’ accessible to me could be as per the following.
On the morning of the full-moon day that is praised by Burmese Buddhists as the full-moon of Kason, Siddhartha Gautama, the child of the top of the Indian ‘Sakya’ fighter standing (which represents the name ‘Sakyamuni’, ‘Sage of the Sakya’, a name Siddhartha Gautama was likewise known by) sat under a Bo tree close to Gaya (presently Buddha Gaya in the north-eastern Indian territory of Bihar) south of Patna (present-day Bihar’s capital) when he had his ‘Extraordinary Illumination’ that uncovered to him the method of salvation from misery. This he attempted to find for a long time by searching for as he is said to have put it: “Who created these detainment facilities of faculties, distress, loaded.”
On this full-moon day under the Bodhi tree he is said to have proclaimed: “I know you, at absolutely no point ever will you work in the future these walls of agony.” He made the ‘information’ he had obtained over his Edification the premise of his following nearly 45 years of teaching and educating as a strict scholar while going as a panhandler. He was around 80 years of age when he passed on in Kusinagara in Nepal subsequent to being harmed.
Rumors from far and wide suggest that A) the day he was brought into the world as Ruler Siddhartha Gautama in ca. 563 B.C., B) the day of his ‘Extraordinary Edification’ under the Bodhi tree (Tree of Illumination) in ca. 533 B.C. also, C) the day of his passing, for example his giving to ‘Nibbana’ or ‘Parinibanna’ (a condition of nor being existent nor non-existent that to reach is Buddhism’s definitive objective) as ‘Buddha’, meaning the ‘Edified One’ in ca. 483 B.C. fell all on a full-moon day, the day celebrated by the Burmese Buddhists as full-moon day of Kason. Thus this day is additionally called ‘Threefold Honored Day’ or ‘Three-overlap Commemoration’. In this way the ‘Full-moon Day of Kason’ marks the three headliners of Siddhartha Gautama Buddha’s life and as such it is commended in a fitting way by Burmese Buddhists all around the country.
Individuals of any age, ladies and men the same go to ‘Payas’ (Pagodas), ‘Zedis’ (Stupas) and ‘Kyaungs’ (Religious communities) in parades to water the holy Bodhi tree, give aid, make contributions, keep statutes or practice reflection, partake in the organization of different admirers, the music made by ‘doh bats’, (society music gatherings) going with the parades and individuals even dance a couple of moves toward their music. The festivals are set apart by great deeds, tunes and music, moves, bliss, trust and numerous devotees make a wish while pouring water on the Bodhi tree from your atar pot to water the tree in this sweltering late spring and gain strict benefits. I also have made a wish, which is that you will partake in my articles.
The ‘Leading body of Legal administrators’ in Yangon sorts out and directs an authority function to praise this day with regards to which a gigantic parades is driven around the extraordinary plated ‘Shwedagon Stupa’. Individuals driving this parade are clad in the clothing of heavenly creatures, for example, ‘Thagyamin’ (Lord of Celestials), the ‘Galon/Garuda Ruler’ (a legendary being half human and half bird) and the ‘Naga’ (Snake Lord). This much to the strict, the remembrance part of the full-moon day of Kason. In any case, shouldn’t something be said about the expecting part referenced before?
Indeed, assuming you recall accurately I have referenced that in Kason water is in more than one way critical to the Burmese. Furthermore, water is the subject of expectation. Burmese ranchers put it into the accompanying words: “Water in the lakes subsides in Tagu and the entire land is dry in Kason.”
Tired of the searing sun during high summer that presently reaches a conclusion the two individuals and nature are yearning for water and are anticipating the principal rains that envoy the storm that will start in June and bring the water so gravely required in this farming country. Also, the main light showers, that are definitely changing the indigenous habitat, are falling around the full-moon day of Kason.
Presently all that becomes green and brilliant, the air is cool and clear and individuals – particularly, obviously, youngsters – are cheerfully moving in the principal showers, additionally called ‘Mango showers’ as they deliver the delectable mangoes which will before long be ready and accessible in overflow. Thus, I really want to believe that you have partaken in the festival of the full-moon of Kason and have gotten comfortable with what it is that makes this celebration so full of significance to the Burmese public. I recommend that we have a rest now on the grounds that soon we will commend the following celebration, the ‘Full Moon of Waso’ in the long stretch of Waso (June/July) that denotes the start of the ‘Buddhist Loaned.
I’m German by birth however am living since 25 years in Burma/Myanmar and know the nation, its kin, its way of life and its set of experiences well overall. This has made me an expert on Burma. In the wake of resigning in 2012 I turned author and am composing books on Burma the country I’m special to call home. Kindly do likewise see my Expert Photographs and my profile.